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In order to implement the Bujumbura Declaration and in accordance with Article 19 of the Union Convention on  Prevention and Combating Corruption, which encourages States Parties to cooperate with each other and to assist in the field of mutual legal assistance, capacity building in judicial matters, joint investigations to identify and recover ill-gotten  assets, the Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities of Africa (AAACA) held its Second Annual General Meeting and Conference in Brazzaville from 26 to 27 April 2017. The theme was "EXPLORING NEW TRENDS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION" (TBC).

This conference was enhanced by the presence of His Excellency Mr. Clement MOUAMBA, Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Congo,

  Group photo of the Prime Minister H.E Clement MOUABI and Heads of delegation


The objectives of the AGM and Conference jointly was:

  • to consider annual report of the Executive Committee
  • to receive an update on the operations of the Secretariat
  • to consider applications for honorary members,
  •  share experience on measures and new trends in the fight against  combat  corruption,
  • to build networks and alliances with strategic partners, and
  • to elect the New Executive Committee.


A copy of the program for the AGM and Conference is attached. Other documents such as Keynote statements, financial report are available in the Secretariat of AAACA. Several officials, heads of diplomatic missions and consular, civil society and media had attended to the opening ceremony.

  1. Conference participants

The Second AAACA General Assembly was attended by 18 countries, 12 participants accompanying the Heads of Delegation, two partners (UNODC and Commonwealth Africa Conference Center) and 25 nationals, representing a total of 57 participants who attended to this Annual General Meeting. (See attached list of participants).

  1. Official opening and Keynote and speeches

The opening of the Annual General Meeting and conference was attended by government officials, delegates, His Excellences Ambassadors and High Commissioners, Heads of Government and non-Government institutions, High rank of Army and Police, Civil Society and Media in Congo.

The Annual General Meeting was officially opened by H.E Clement MOUABA, the Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Congo.

1° Welcome remarks by Emmanuel Ollitta ONDONGO, President of OAC

    Mr. Emmanuel Ollitta ONDONGO, President of OAC

In his welcoming address, Mr Emmanuel Ollitta ONDONGO, first welcomed all the participants and then thanked His Excellency Denis SASSOU N'GUESSO and the Prime Minister and Head of Government for their personal implication in the success outcome of AAACA's expectations. He also thanked the AAACA’s Executive Committee for placing confidence in the OAC so that it could play the role of focal point in the organization of this Annual General Meeting.

Speaking of the misdeeds of corruption, he said ‘’the social cancer that undermines our societies and always returns the development of our countries to the Greek calendars is the worst disease that can suffer a society. For evil is not only economic but also moral.’’He ended with a note of hope that with an ambitious vision, which today leads us to the standards of a continental platform, the AAACA remains an inescapable hope for the future of our countries.

2°. Statement of Mr. Charles AYAMDOO, the outgoing President of AAACA

In his statement, Mr. Charles AYAMDOO, thanked H. E Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO, the President of Republic of Congo for accepting to host this 2nd Conference and Annual General Meeting of AAACA and the Prime Minister and Head of Government for accepting the invitation to address the Conference this morning.

   Mr. Charles AYAMDOO outgoing President of OAC

According to Mr. Charles AYAMDOO, ‘we have come a long way and I am thankful to all of you for the support and enthusiasm in this endeavor. We are all concerned about the negative impact of corruption on the development of our countries.  Fighting it is, therefore, a must and we should not do so in isolation, after all, corruption is a transnational crime. It knows no borders. We have to step up international cooperation and collaboration in order to fight it more effectively.”

He also recalled that, the Association seeks to provide a platform for African countries to tackle the canker of corruption, promote good governance across the continent and foster international cooperation in combating corruption and related offences.

3°. Keynote of HE Mr. Clement MOUABA, Prime Minister and Head of Government in Republic of Congo

The Second Annual General Meeting of the African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities was officially opened by His Excellency Mr. Clement MOUAMBA, Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Congo. In his speech, he first gave an overview of corruption in his country and then informed the participants about the efforts already undertaken by the Government of the Congo in fighting corruption.


HE Clement MOUABA, Prime Minister and Head of Government

Speaking of the negative impacts of corruption, HE Mr. Clément MOUAMBA, Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Congo, recalled “in a context now deeply moved by the globalization of the economy and by the globalization of trade, what remain us to do in Africa, if it is not to reconquer our moral values ​​and to safeguard our identity dangerously in perdition because of this gangrene which curbs the harmonious and sustainable development of our continent”.

According to Prime Minister, the extent of the phenomenon is such that concerted action is a necessity to involve more public authorities, civil society, media, churches and the private sector, and this general mobilization must also be supported by a system of  communication(see the Prime Minister's Keynote).

  1. Workshops and exchanges of experience

1° The first workshop 1.  by Lamyr NGUELE, President of the National Commission for the Fight against Corruption, Concussion and Fraud

Theme "The stakes of the fight against corruption in the Republic of Congo".

The speaker reminded to the participants that corruption is a specific offense and that the act is difficult to prove by the fact that this offense is often committed by persons of high social status. As to the causes of corruption, he listed the following: the crisis of values; Low wages or the weak power of civil servants, poverty and unemployment. He also outlined the major measures   taken by the Government of  Congo to deal with this scourge. These include:

- periodic conduct of diagnostic studies on government and the perception of corruption;

-the ratification of international conventions;

- the intensification of sectoral reforms;

- the establishment of a legal framework to combat corruption;

- the establishment of a regulatory framework;

- the establishment of a legal mechanism and;

- the action of civil society.

Mr. Lamyr NGUELE concluded his presentation with a note of hope, saying that the reforms undertaken by the President of the Republic are aimed at revitalizing the national economy, while at the same time putting in place mechanisms for transparent management.

2° Workshop 2:  SDC16, Peace Justice and Strong Institution, A role for Anti-Corruption Authorities by Samuel DE JAGEIRE, UNODC Officer West and Central Africa

His presentation was focused on the 16 goal of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. According to Mr. Samuel DE JAGEIRE, the 16 goal of SDG promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. His presentation focused mainly on target 5 and 6 of Goal 16.

Indeed, the target 5 relates to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their formswhile point 6 calls for the establishment of responsible and transparent effective institutions at all levels. (See annex of the presentation).

3° Workshop 3: "Illicit Financial Flows and the Role of Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs) in Africa". By Paulus KALOMHO Noa, Director General of Anti-Corruption Commission/Namibia

For Mr. Noa, “the Anti-Corruption Agencies are charged with a mammoth task to investigate conducts of corruption, to educate and sensitize the public on the corrosive effects of corruption to the economy and the society and to prevent corruption through the development of anti-corruption programs, analysis of systems policies and practices in both the private and public sector and the introduction of risk management systems to proactively prevent the occurrences of corrupt practices”. And there is a link between corruption and Illicit financial flows. In fact, corruption facilitates illicit financial flows which it manifests itself in many different ways and Africa loses about US$ 50 billion per year because of illicit financial flows.

He concluded by saying that the successful fight of corruption including illicit financial flows is a multifaceted approach. According to him this task cannot be left to anti-corruption institutions alone.  The political commitment at all levels of political authorities is paramount.

4 ° Exchange of experience and good practice

Each Head of Delegation had the opportunity to present his Institution.

5 ° Presentation by partners

The partners (UNODC, CACC), have focused on capacity-building and the exchange of experience between AAACA member institutions in their area of ​​intervention.

6 ° Report by Executive Committee to the General Assembly

The participants also had to analyze the report of the Executive Committee, which is generally good but that the Association is still handicapped by the insufficiency of funds. After a few observations the report was adopted by the General Meeting.

  1. Election of the new Executive Committee

In accordance with Article 12 of the Statutes of the Association; the General Assembly elected the new Executive Committee which was elected as follows:

- President:  Emmanuel OLLITA ONDONGO of the Republic of Congo with 15 votes

-1st Vice-President: El Hadj Mansour TALL of Senegal with 10 votes

- 2nd Vice-President: Phiri KAPETWA of Zambia with 15 votes

The members representing the different sub-regions are the following:

- Central Africa: Prof. Augustin MWENDAMBALI of the Democratic Republic of Congo

- East Africa: George Nathan BAMUGEMEREIRE of Uganda

- Southern Africa: Daniel John PUNDU of Tanzania

- West Africa: Issoufou BOUREIMA from Niger

Group photo of Executive Committee members


The Executive Committee of the Association would like to thank HE Mr. Denis SASSOU N'GUESSO, President of the Republic of Congo and all the Congolese people for their hospitality and their availability during the conference. The members of the Executive Committee are very grateful to the staff of the Congo Anti-Corruption Observatory and, specifically, to Mr. Emmanuel OLLITTA ONDONGO for their financial and material support, which made it possible for the Annual General Meeting to be a success.

We in the same spirit thank all the delegates who honored our invitation to attend the AGM and made it a success.

Submitted by

Jean Claude BIZIMANA, Rapporteur

 Assistant of the President of AAACA

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