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Under the patronage of his Excellence the President of the Republic of Burundi and Chairman of East African Community, the East African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA) in conjunction with the Special Brigade Anti-corruption have  organized on the 20th  to 22nd  June 2011 an African Anti-Corruption Authorities conference at Source du Nil Conference Hall.

I Background

The idea to organize a conference of the African Anti-Corruption Authorities, came from His  Excellence the President of  the Republic of Burundi which, during  the 3rd Annual General Meeting held in Bujumbura from the 30th  to 31st   October 2009 who has expressed the  wish to create an African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities whose principal mission would be a mutual co-operation, exchanges better practices, to have a framework with a common approach of fight against corruption on the African continent.

This idea will be supported by the heads Anti-Corruption Authorities in East Africa at the 4th Annual General meeting held in Nairobi-Kenya on November 26, 2010.

Given that the EAAACA does not have enough funds to organize such conference, the heads of delegation decided to address a request of financing to the African Development Bank.

On January 25, 2011, the President of EAAACA and Chief Ombudsman of Rwanda addressed a request to the President of the African Development Bank to ask for a financial assistance to organize this conference.

In  its correspondence of the 11th , Mars 2011, the African Development Bank, through  its Vice - President informed to the President of EAAACA that “the overall objectives of the EAAACA is in line with the Bank’s Objectives to foster good governance in regional member countries and that the initiatives to establish a continental platform of African Anti-Corruption authorities was welcomed”.

The Bank was therefore ready to finance the conference for an amount not exceeding one hundred and eighty four thousand hundred ninety five dollars (USD184.195).

  1. Purpose of the conference

The conference aimed to discuss ways to prevent and of fight corruption on the African Continent, especially by strengthening dialogue and the mutual co-operation between the African Anti-Corruption Authorities.

III. Expected results

The conference was an opportunity   for the participants to set up an African Anti-Corruption Association that has been materialized by the signing of the Declaration of Bujumbura by the heads of delegation.

  1. Contract Agreement between the African Development Bank and East African Association of anti- corruption authorities

In article II of the contract, it was specified that the money would be released as follows:

  • Hotel cost , meals and refreshments for a total of  seventy seven thousand two Hundreds and Thirty United States Dollars (USD 77,230)  which will be paid directly to the hotel by the AfDB once  the invoices will be forwarded;
  • Air Travel Tickets by  AfDB   for the heads of delegation for an amount not exceeding  Sixty  One Thousands and Five Hundreds United State Dollars (USD 61,500)
  • Expenses of interpreters, allowance, local transport, supplies, consumables and the other miscellaneous expenses for an amount not exceeding  forty five thousand four hundred and sixty five United State Dollars (USD 45,465)  which was directly transferred on the account n° 0240013055101 opened in STANBIC BANK UGANDA, IPS, BRANCH on the name of East African Association  of Anti-Corruption 
  1. Proceedings of the Conference


V.1. Participants in the conference

The conference was attended by sixty four (64) participants from thirty-one African countries (31) and international Institutions such us the World Bank and African Development Bank.

Representatives of Burundian public Institutions, civil society and media, attended this conference.

V.2. Activities

The conference took place in the conference Hall of the Source du Nil Hotel and was opened by His Excellence Pierre NKURUNZIZA, the President of the Republic of Burundi and Chairman of the East African Community.

This conference was an opportunity for the participants to exchange the experiences on the fight against corruption and come up with an African common approach to prevent and fight corruption.

V.3 Different  presentations

  • On the 20th June 2011
  • Keynote and official opening ceremony  by His Excellence the President of the Republic of Burundi

In his Speech, His Excellence the President of the Republic of Burundi invited to all African States «to really become a group of States against corruption, able to ensure a constant and reciprocal monitoring between Member States in the fight against corruption and related offences ". 

"Because, the international nature of the corruption phenomenon suggests that there cannot a development without common engagement since the isolation of a State weakens all the other States, thus the importance of the mechanisms of legal co-operation and mutual assistance".

  • Speech of the President of the EAAACA

"We have noted corruption is a cancer for the society and it is high time for everybody to join the struggle to completely eliminate it.
But this struggle should start by educating and by sensitising the citizens to reject, denounce and whistle blowing practices related to corruption. This leads also, for our people, to know and fight for the respect of their right.

Furthermore, as a transnational crime, authors of corruption commit their forfeiture in their countries and fly to foreign countries.  The product of this crime benefits other countries, in so doing discourages investors.
So, there is a need for collaboration with other regional anti-corruption associations, forums and individual Anti-Corruption Agencies in Africa hence this conference. We can succeed by joining our efforts in the investigations and in mutual legal assistance in implementation of our respective strategies in fight against corruption ".

  • Speech of the Vice- President of the AfDB

"By working together, we could certainly tackle corruption in a more effective and efficient manner. The Bank is strongly supportive of this cause. Because corruption and lack of transparency, and accountability in business transactions remain high on the list of investment risks in Africa”.  

This is why, combating corruption and strengthening anti- bribery efforts to improve business integrity can help to diminish these risks and help attract more capital into the region and ultimately result in improving the business climate and create more jobs ".

  • Other presentations of the regional representatives (ECOWAS, SADEC, EAC, and Representative of the Northern region) took place.
  • Discussions and contributions of participants followed.
  • Introductory remarks by heads of respective Anti-Corruption Authorities (From A-Z) and discussions on good practices of combating corruption have been done.
  • On June 21, 2011

A topic on the need for creation of the African Association of fight against corruption was developed and introduced by Prof. PLO LUMUMBA, Director/Executive Head of the Kenya Anti- Corruption Commission.

During the presentation, he specified that: "I firmly believe that it is the right time for the African community to devote its efforts in exploration of new strategies to strengthen mutual cooperation in the fight against corruption and other cross-border organized crimes. It is the time to come together under an umbrella of Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities of Africa.

As we do so, the words of Kwame Nkrumah that: " we face neither in the East, nor West we face forwards "should be our guiding principle".

After debating, motion and resolution to form an African association of Anti-Corruption Authorities were facilitated by Dr. Edward G. Hoseah; Director General of Preventing and combating corruption Bureau of Tanzania. 

The heads of Anti-Corruption Authorities have resolved to establish an African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (AAACA) and resolution had been witnessed by the signing of «  Bujumbura declaration »

  • On 22 juin 2011: Excursion
  • Mausoleum of Prince Louis RWAGASORE

The Mausoleum of Prince Louis RWAGASORE Hero of Independence of Burundi is located on VUGIZO hill in District of Rohero.   


  • Pierre Livingstone

Located at twelve kilometres (12Km) of the capital on the Mugere river in the South of the capital, this stone symbolizes the place where the explorer and missionary Dr. David Livingstone  and the journalist and explorer   Henry Morton Stanley met on November 25th, 1871 and where this last pronounced famous word "Dr. Livingstone, I suppose?".

In their books, Livingstone and Stanley describe this meeting with the population of Mugere as being one of hospitality of continent. The date of November 25, 1871 can be observed carved on this stone.

Visit of Saga Plage

This resting place symbolizes the success of East Africa integration. Located on the shores of the Lake Tanganyika, it offers to the first visitor a   desire of pleasure out of the common as shown below.

VIII. Thanks:

  • To the Government of Burundi for its assistance and encouragement in the organization of this conference,
  • To the EAAACA to have supported the idea that the conference is organized in Burundi and to have agreed to seek the financing of the conference,
  • To  the African Development Bank  to have accepted the request of funding of the conference,
  • To the Participants to have accepted the invitation and to have contribute to the installation of the African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities.



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