Anti-Corruption Commission Sierra Leone and Transparency International Sierra Leone Chapter Commemorate African Anti-Corruption Day on the theme “Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption”.


11th July, 2024


The Anti-Corruption Commission Sierra Leone (ACC-SL) and Transparency International Sierra Leone (TI-SL) Chapter wish to inform the public that they are joining other African anti-corruption nations and agencies to commemorate the African Anti-Corruption Day (July 11) on the theme “Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption”.

In July 11, 2003, the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique. The Convention came into effect in 2006 and has since then been ratified by 48 Member States of the African Union including Sierra Leone. This year marks the eighth edition of the African Anti-Corruption Day and the 21st anniversary of the AUCPCC. The Day was therefore set aside to give prominence to the fight against corruption by commemorating the adoption of the Convention as the tool for fighting corruption in Africa.

According to the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption, selection of the year’s continental theme is in recognition of the role of whistleblowers in the fight against corruption.

The public is reminded that full protection is provided for informants, whistleblowers and citizens under Sections 81 and 82 of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008 (as amended in 2019) and the Anti-Corruption Commission also has in place a robust Witness and Whistleblower Protection Policy covering anonymity, identity masking, security, relocation, transfer, etc. In March 2022, the ACC also re-introduced a reward and incentives scheme for informants and whistleblowers who provide useful information to the Commission in its fight against corruption.

Deliberate anti-corruption efforts have seen Sierra Leone make unprecedented gains in the fight against corruption. The most recent Afrobarometer Survey Report, Round 9, 2021/2023, covering 39 countries, ranked Sierra Leone Government’s Performance in fighting corruption with a Score of 58 per cent, far above the 39-country average of 29 per cent. Sierra Leone is also ranked as one of ONLY Six (6) African countriess with majority approval of their Government’s stellar performance in fighting corruption. Furthermore, Sierra Leone has moved 22 places upwards in the Transparency International’s Global Corruption Country Rankings, from 130 in 2017 to 108 in 2023.

In this light, the ACC-SL and TI-SL continue to encourage the general public to be confident in providing useful informational support to the Commission and other anti-corruption bodies, including civil society organisations, as their protection is guaranteed. It is only through these concerted efforts that the country will continue to make the necessary gains in combating corruption and in building a strong and prosperous Sierra Leone.

Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. Commissioner, ACC-SL

Edward Bankoloh Koroma Acting Executive Director, TI-SL

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