1. Celebration in the Republic of Congo: High Authority for the Fight against Corruption (HALC)


In Congo Brazzaville, the corruption perception index is still very low, admitted Emmanuel OLLITA ONDONGO


This is what emerges from the declaration of the President of the High Authority for the Fight against Corruption (HALC) made public this Saturday, December 9, 2023 in Brazzaville on the occasion of the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day, coupled at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.


Statement during which Emmanuel OLLITA ONDONGO, President of this institution praised the efforts made by the Congo, since the ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), then, he took stock of the 20 years of application of this convention; as well as the efforts made by the HALC in three years of existence and to conclude with an observation which emerges at the level of the populations on this scourge which plagues all spheres of national life. A favorable opportunity to launch an appeal to the government of the Republic.


  1. Celebration of the in Madagascar International Anti-Corruption Day: Independent Anti-Corruption Office (BIANCO), December 9, 2023


In Madagascar, on December 9, 2023, International Anti-Corruption Day was celebrated on the theme: Networking of young Malagasy people to fight corruption by the Director General of BIANCO, Mr. Laza Eric Andrianirina.


All the details on the BIANCO website below.


Website : https://bianco-mg.org/le-reseautage-des-jeunes-malgaches-pour-lutter-contre-la-corruption-par-laza-andrianirina-directeur-general-du-bianco/

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