We, the heads of the Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities in Africa have held a conference from 16th -18th September 2013 in Accra, Ghana in the spirit of Article 19 of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption which calls on states Parties to cooperate and assist one another in areas such as mutual legal assistance, law enforcement, joint investigations, tracing and recovery of ill-gotten assets;
NOTING that the objectives of the conference were; to strengthen the inter-state collaboration in the fight against corruption, to consider and adopt the constitution and to elect and install the Executive Committee.
RECOGNIZING that corruption is a very complex and dynamic phenomenon which manifests itself in various forms and shades, ranging from bribery and graft through extortion, robbery, patronage, and nepotism, there is need for collective effort to effectively combat it.
EMPHASISINGthe importance of adoptingJakarta Statement on principles for Anti-Corruption Agencies, that is; Institutional status, leadership, human and financial resources, and accountability, will aid in strengthening the independence and effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Authorities.
MINDFUL that the corrupt are becoming sophisticated, Anti-Corruption Authorities need to work hand in hand with other actors in the fight against corruption, such as; the police, civil society, judiciary, and many others.
ACKNOWLEDGING the importance of networking to jointly eradicate corruption, especially in areas of Asset Tracing and recovery, an initiative undertaken by StAR/ World Bank.
AWARE that corruption is amongst the biggest challenge that the African Countries face in promoting good governance and effective public institutions, and cannot be successfully prevented and combated without political will of the highest leaders at all levels, and existence of a strong legal framework, proper legislation formulated for anti-corruption agencies.
EMPHASISING the importance of ratification of African Union on Preventing and Combating Corruption for all the state parties.
HAVING been addressed by H.E, John Dramani Mahame, the President of the Republic of Burundi, discussed presentations and contributions by Heads/Representatives of Anti-Corruption Authorities and Development Partners represented in the conference;
HAVE RESOLVED as follows:
- To adopt the Constitution of Association of African Anti-Corruption Authorities after corrections suggested by members incorporated.
- The Secretariat of the Association to be situated in Bujumbura, Republic of Burundifor 3years and the General Secretary to come from the same institution until the Association is financially independent to carry out recruitment of the position.
- Members of the Executive Committee have been elected as follows:
- Mr. Charles Ayamdoo - President
- Justice Lul John Gatwech -1st Vice President, Chairperson South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission
- Odounga Awassi Dieudonné 2nd Vice President, President , Commission Nationale de Lutte Contre l’Enrichissement Illicite, Gabon
- Frances Johnson Allison, Executive chairperson Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission, ECOWAS
- Amr Ali FAHMY, Under Secretary of Administrative Control Authority,Egypt ; North;
- Samuel FOHTUNG Tangang member of the Coordination of National Anti-Corruption Commission –Cameroon ; Central Africa ;
- David NYAMIRANDU, Assistant of the Director of Anti-Corruption Bureau-Malawi, SADEC;
- George Nathan BAMUGEMEREIRE,Deputy Inspector General-Uganda East Africa.
- Special Anti-Corruption Brigade (SACB), Republic of Burundi-General Secretary.